An “event” in Surge refers to a basic operation commonly performed on blockchain protocols, such as token swapping or price checking. A “task” comprises multiple such events orchestrated to achieve a specific goal. Users can verbally instruct Surge, thanks to AI integration, to configure tasks based on simple or intricate commands. For example, a user might say, “I want to swap 5 SOL for USDC on Solana, then bridge to BNBChain,” and Surge will automatically set up and build the task with the required steps.

Users can also build tasks from scratch using our built in modal and entering params. Advanced users can also learn our scripting language to create task strings that can also be entered in Surge.

What makes Surge Tasks special?

Surge tasks stand out by significantly simplifying and accelerating complex multi-chain operations that are typically time-consuming and cognitively demanding in the crypto world.

Consider a scenario where you have USDC on Solana and want to purchase tokens on BNBChain and Base Chain. Traditionally, this would involve multiple steps: swapping currencies on different exchanges, connecting wallets, and waiting for transactions to process, all of which are manual and tedious.

With Surge, you can effortlessly configure a complex task by simply stating your intentions, using our custom task builder, or using our templates.

For example, you could say: “Bridge 200 USDC from Solana to BNBChain and buy BabyDoge, then bridge 300 USDC from Solana to Base Chain and buy Toshi when the price drops 50%.”

Surge automates this process by creating a task that executes all these steps with a single click, continuously managing the task through each event and looping until certain conditions are met. Here’s how the task breaks down into events:


Bridge USD to BNBChain

Use RocketX to bridge 200 USDC from Solana to BNB on BNBChain.


Token Purchase on BNBChain

Use 1inch to swap the received BNB for BabyDoge on BNBChain.


Bridge USD Again to Base Chain

Use RocketX to bridge 300 USDC from Solana to ETH on Base Chain.


Initial Price Check on Base Chain

Initially check the price of Toshi on Base Chain.


Calculate Target Price

Divide the result from Step 4 (initial price) by 2 to set the target buy price.


Check Current Price

Check the latest price of Toshi on Base Chain.


Conditional Execution

If the price from Step 6 is less than or equal to the target price from Step 5, proceed; if not, return to Step 6.


Final Purchase

Swap the ETH on Base Chain for Toshi when the price condition is met.

Referencing previous results

The ability to reference previous results directly in future events is a powerful feature of Surge that enhances the flexibility and effectiveness of task automation in the crypto environment. This feature allows users to create dynamic, responsive tasks that adapt based on real-time data obtained during the task’s execution.

For instance, if you initiate a task with an event to check the price of a token on a specific blockchain, this price check could be designated as Event 1. You can then reference the outcome of this event in subsequent parts of the task by using [#1]. This reference pulls the price obtained from Event 1, ensuring that the next actions in the task can adapt based on this up-to-date information.

This referencing capability is particularly valuable for several reasons:


Dynamic Decision Making

Enables tasks to be responsive to real-time conditions within the market. For example, if a follow-up event involves buying a token, it can use the price information from an earlier event to decide whether the current market price is favorable for a purchase or if it should wait for a better price.



Eliminates the need to repeat the same data retrieval actions multiple times within a single task. This saves time and reduces computational overhead and potential costs associated with data fetching.


Error Reduction

By automating dependencies between events, the chance of human error, such as misinterpreting data or entering it incorrectly, is reduced. Users can set up a sequence of events that depend on accurate data from previous steps without manually intervening or verifying each step.


Complex Strategy Execution

Users can construct complex trading strategies that require conditions to be met based on previous outputs. For example, executing a trade only if the price of another token falls or rises to a certain level compared to the price checked in an earlier event.

This feature underpins Surge’s ability to execute sophisticated, conditional blockchain operations seamlessly and is a significant advantage for users looking to maximize their efficiency and effectiveness in the cryptocurrency markets.